Decorating Your Artificial Christmas Tree: Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe and Happy

Artificial Christmas Trees and Pets: What You Need to Know

The holidays are a magical time of year for most families. People get together, exchange gifts, and decorate their homes with festive lights and ornaments. Part of the holiday magic comes from the traditional putting up of the Christmas tree. And nowadays, more and more people are opting for artificial Christmas trees over real ones. But as adorable as pets can be, they could cause more damage to the fake trees than real ones. This article will give tips on safely decorating your artificial Christmas tree with your pets in mind.

While artificial Christmas trees aren’t typically toxic to pets, you’ll still want to be cautious. Some concerns include tinsel, garland, ornaments, and the tree’s lighting, as they tend to grab the attention of curious pets, especially cats. Keep them from playing with these by adequately securing them to high branches or anywhere out of their reach. Also, avoid edible decorations around pets like candy canes, chocolate ornaments, and sugar cookies, and consider pet-friendly ornaments instead.

Preparing Your Home for Your Decorated Tree

Your Christmas tree only exists on its own. Your house is a place of many activities, from relaxing to playing, which your pets are sure to partake in. These activities could damage the tree or, worse, hurt your pets. It’s essential to ensure that the tree is safely secured in a sturdy tree stand to keep it from wobbling or toppling over, and if you have dogs, keep the tree in an area that is difficult for them to access. This will help ensure the safety of your pets and prevent any potential catastrophes.

Another idea to keep your pets safely away from your tree is to create a designated area where they can relax and enjoy the festivities. Ensure they have their bed, toys, and treats to entertain them. Having a designated area will allow peace of mind, not only for pet lovers but also for your pets.

During the festive season, several foods and snacks enter the house. Unfortunately, many of these can harm your pet, so it’s essential to remember to keep all foods and treats out of their reach. Plan your treats, and choose pet-friendly options for your furry friends. Avoid feeding them foods high in fat content, sugar, alcohol, or caffeine, as doing so may cause your animal unnecessary discomfort.


The holiday season is the perfect time to share joy and love with your loved ones, including furry friends. Proper planning and precautions allow you to safely decorate your artificial Christmas tree for your pets and yourself. Taking the time to prepare your home for your tree and pets will make the holiday season a joyous occasion for you and your pets, allowing everyone to enjoy the holidays together.